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An integrated part of our business model

We believe that sustainability creates real long-term value and builds better businesses

Kinnevik’s bespoke approach, focused on creating real business value, sets us apart from other investors and is a deciding factor for founders to partner with us. We create significant positive impact by being active owners and allocating capital towards solving the most pressing challenges globally. Kinnevik focuses on four topics that are material to us and our stakeholders:

Kinnevik’s material topics reflect where we can have the most significant impact. They have been identified through interactive stakeholder dialogues, Board and management discussions, peer benchmarking and industry best practices.

Sustainability Report 2023

This report covers the sustainability strategy, performance and target fulfilment for Kinnevik and our portfolio.


Climate Progress Report 2022

In this report, we follow up on the fulfilment of Kinnevik's GHG emissions intensity target for the portfolio.TO REPORT

Kinnevik is a signatory of the UN Global Compact. The Sustainability Report serves as our annual Communication on Progress to the UN Global Compact, containing our implementation of its principles on human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption. Kinnevik also recognises the special importance of international standards on responsible business conduct, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Sustainability Report contains our most recent disclosures in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Supporting our Companies

Watch the video with our sustainability team describing how they actively support our companies in building integrated and value-adding sustainability strategies

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Portfolio KPIs 2023

The portfolio KPIs are representations of our companies' sustainability performance and a tool to measure progress. The KPIs are derived from our annual assessment of the portfolio companies based on the Kinnevik Standards. The KPIs are shown in percent of portfolio value at the end of the year.


Measures greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 1, 2 and 3


Has set time-based D&I targets and KPIs


Has implemented a Code of Conduct